Every single person on Earth is God's creation. We are His hands and feet to reach his lost children.

Vision Builders are people who help this vision come to pass. At the very core of our vision are people, individuals that God loves, has died for and has called us to communicate with, through every means possible...


Luke 15 tells three stories, each of one being lost.

One son, one coin, one sheep. 

Luke 15:4–6 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses ONE of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the ONE which is lost until he finds it? 

The main message of this parable is that the one lost sheep is more important to God than those who are not lost. 

He says that if we are good shepherds we will make lost sheep our priority.

We need to do all we can to ‘go after’ lost people until we find them.

Jesus Himself said seeking, finding and saving lost people was His core value;

Do any of you have any children?

Have you ever lost any of them?

Have they ever left the family, or left church, or become estranged from you?

How heavy is your heart every day?

How much of an ache do you feel?

How broken hearted are you?

Your thoughts, your emotions, your focus is rarely far from your one lost child.

How does the Father in heaven feel?

Every single person on Earth is His creation, His child.

We are His hands and feet to reach his lost children, to reach his lost sons and daughters.

We cannot remain apathetic and uncaring if we really are those people who claim to be followers of Christ.

We have always reached people for Christ and we will continue to maintain that as our highest value.

Vision Builders are people who help this vision we have, come to pass.

We need to realise that the core of our vision is people, individuals that God loves, has died for and has called us to communicate with through every means possible and reach them for Christ.

Vision Builders is about building facilities such as we sit in every week at church. Each week, services are held where people receive Christ, people come back to Christ, people are trained in ministry to reach a lost world for Christ, new congregations are birthed out of our churches, both in Sydney, Australia and around the world.

Television programs are produced that are reaching literally millions of people for Christ, children, teenagers, young adults, families, mature age people are all able to have services here all through the week reaching all generations for Christ.

Because of Vision Builders we are able to bring care into people’s lives that are in need through C3 Care centres, through CAP (christians against poverty) and many other Beyond initiatives.

Because of Vision Builders we are able to preach through television all around the world.

Because everyONE matters. 

Through vision builders people are coming to Christ every week.

All of us have people in our worlds that we want to come to Christ.

There is no doubt that as we sow into the salvation of lost people we will see people in our own families, in our networks of friends and relationships reached and transformed by the Gospel.

See you in church!

Phil Pringle

Founding leader of C3churchglobal, pastor, speaker, writer, artist.


