Reboot Your Life.

Your computer just froze! Your phone crashed. The little wheel keeps going forever, around, and around, and around. And you keep staring at it. Believing. Something’s going to happen. Almost in the category of, ‘Can I put you on hold, elevator music insanity’.

‘Have you tried rebooting’, the all-wise, tall kid said. So I do it.

Hold the button till the whole screen turns black. Wait at least 20 seconds. (Let all the little men in there get dressed, ready for work again). Press the power button again. Voila! You’re in business. But what if ‘Voila’(Vwalla) doesn’t happen? It still crashes, slows and hiccups.

You ask your ‘engine’ search panel. Men in black suits out there in a 'cloud', send you a message, ‘make sure you’ve got the latest update, the latest upgrade. Your systems won’t function properly without it.'

So you read (or pretend to read) all the things this upgrade will do to your device. So this is you, this is your life. Time for the upgrade. Crashes, freezing, getting stuck on a wheel going around and around, bugs, viruses corrupting the way you do life. Time for some sub-conscious recoding.

Bug Fixes. Our human operating system apparently came with some bugs, some glitches. Some came all the way down from the original model, Adam. Fears, pride, anger, self-will, temptation to do the wrong thing. Some came from childhood, some from yesterday. The upgrade apparently fixes these bugs.

 2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 

Take this via your mouth. That is, speak it. Again and again. Old things start passing away. All things become new. The Word works!

Prevent crashes. When there’s just too much to handle, the system crashes, so instead of doing what it would normally do, it can’t even cope with that. It’s trying to carry too much. The upgrade is ‘Cast your burden on the Lord’. Trust Him with it. When you take your car to the repair shop do you stay around watching them to check they fix it? No! You leave the repair place and trust the repair guys with the car. Leave your problem to God. You’re not God. He is!

Prevent new viruses. There’s always someone trying to steal your identity, corrupt your system, destroy your files. When the devil tries to plant a virus in your emotions, your mind, there’s an upgrade called the helmet and shield. Install these and you’ll be able to fend off all attacks. The helmet sees a positive future. The shield is believing it’s going to work out.

Clean out unwanted files. Some files are really old and no longer helpful. There’s a new way of living. There’s unwanted images in the photo library. We need to go through these and delete, delete, delete. The blood of Jesus helps us delete discouraging memories, images that are strongholds that defeat us within.

Empty the trash. There are grudges we’ve held against enemies, even friends and family for too long. We have to get rid of them. This upgrade will help you empty the trash. There’s stuff in that trash can that needs to be permanently deleted. You’ll be asked, ‘Do you want to permanently delete these files. They can’t be recovered once they’re gone’. ‘YES”

Faster performance. Would you like to be able to make decisions faster, get through temptations quicker, achieve your goals without as many mistakes, rather than taking years to get to the goal? Download wisdom. She's about the best upgrade you'll ever get into your system.

New tools to work with. There are new levels of power, anointing, gifts and influence God wants for you. He can plant a whole new direction within you if you are willing and surrendered to His plan.

Then you see two little boxes.


Once you agree, you're told, ‘Don’t turn your computer off. Keep it connected to a power source during the process’.

We need to take advantage of this time of year to stop, reboot and upgrade. It’s such a great opportunity to sit down with the Bible and a pen and start writing your thoughts on the Scriptures you’re reading. God will speak to you. Fresh ideas will come to mind. While you simply spend time with Him you’ll find creative strategies and clear guidance. This can be the most invigorating time for us. This is God upgrading our operating system. He’s downloading new abilities to help achieve our purpose while we upload to Him in prayer.

Phil Pringle

Founding leader of C3churchglobal, pastor, speaker, writer, artist.

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