New Year, New Start: Embrace the Now with Faith

Stepping into a new year, we want a fresh start. Let’s set new goals. Let’s leave behind old habits. Let’s lay hold of God and all He has for us.

Good intentions are good, but only half the journey. Action transforms those intentions into reality. 

Ecclesiastes 11:4 reminds us, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” 

In other words, waiting for perfect conditions gets nothing done. The time for action is now, today!

We have big dreams for this year. But achieving them needs more than hoping things will fall into place. Some lepers in the Bible took steps toward the enemy’s camp despite fear and uncertainty. We, too, must move forward. They didn’t wait for guarantees. They simply acted, and God turned their steps into a miracle. It’s not about waiting for everything to feel right—it’s about stepping out in faith and trusting God to amplify our efforts.

When we face a new year, it’s easy to fear failing or doubt our own abilities. But remember Paul’s words to Timothy: “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” Fear can be loud, but faith is louder. We’re not held back by insecurities; we move forward with confidence in God’s promises.

Remember that the small, consistent steps make the biggest difference this year. We don’t need everything figured out; not every day will bring massive leaps forward. What matters is that we keep moving in the right direction—serving, giving, speaking life, and trusting God for the rest.

Consistent small steps lead to big destinations.

Stepping into this year with a “do it now” mindset doesn’t mean rushing forward without thought. Jesus walked steadily, unhurriedly, in step with God’s Spirit. Our “do it now” is purposeful, intentional, and driven by faith, not anxiety. Faith isn’t about frantic resolutions; it’s about focused action doing God’s will.

Moving forward requires wisdom.
Proverbs tells us good advice helps our plans succeed. This year, receive guidance from those who inspire your faith, challenging you to take bold, wise steps in God’s direction. Teachability will keep you on the right path.

What small step of faith can you take today as you enter this new year? Maybe it’s making a phone call, starting a project, joining a group, or letting go of something holding you back. 

The worst decision we make is no decision. Start now—today. 

Don’t wait for perfect timing or conditions. The best time to pursue what God has put in your heart is now.

Embrace this new year with courage, trusting God to provide and guide you. Take the first step and let Him lead you to victory.

Looking for Biblical guidance for the start of the New Year?

Read more in my book Do It Now!

Phil Pringle

Founding leader of C3churchglobal, pastor, speaker, writer, artist.

Overcoming Anxiety: Embracing the Power of God's Word